Sunday, January 19, 2014

Road trip

We went on a road trip this weekend with some friends. Rutoroa is a stinky town! Cuz of all the giesers it smells of sulphur. We had a blast tho! We went luging all day Saturday ( that was awesome and I do have some GoPro vid and will put something up as soon as Ty decided to share the laptop! Sunday we swam in a hot spring, went to a waterfall, saw a geiser and viewed the mud pit! We tried to go white water rafting but didn't make it in time we are saving the Zorbing for next road trip. Fun times!!
The white stuff is steam. This lake is Hot!

Boys throwing rocks In the geiser..boys...


View of lake and snow capped mountain!

View of lake again

Tried to get the mud pit 

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