Wednesday, November 27, 2013

A few videos from Suwarrow. Still playing with youtube and the quality levels so some are choppy  but I am running out of battery life on the laptop so here ya go!

New Zealand...

So we have been talking to boss man about where to go next and when he left he said Solomon Islands. Weeellll he can't get his visa in time for Solomon's or Australia so it looks like we have to go to New Zealand instead. We were hoping for Australia cuz it's an easier sail and it's on the way to Solomon's. so we are getting ready to leave for New Zealand. It's a much harder sail and expected to be pretty uncomfortable. We should make it there in about 8 days or so at best. 

We stayed at beachcomber island for the weekend and then they asked us to leave the mooring because they had the island booked for a private party. It's Aussie spring break or something so they had 200 plus people booked. We came back over to musket cove and they have the same thing going on here but there are two resorts and another restaurant here so we can at least eat and have drinks at Anandas. We are paying out now tho and heading back to denarau for the cushion work to be done. Greg said to go ahead and do them all here so hopefully they will be done in less than a week. 

We went out for a sail yesterday hoping to find a good surf break but the wind and swell are blowing in the wrong direction so we came back. On the way back we caught a nice size Spanish makeral! We had Bob n Dave with us and Dave has some mad skills when it comes to filleting fish:) 

This is cloud break and that box is the judges box for surf competitions 

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Surfing Fiji

We had our surf lessons today! It was extremely early but we got our butts up and went and had so much fun! It very exhausting but after a few tries we were both up and surfing little waves.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013


Just hangin around. We are still in the same spot on the dock as when Greg left. Found a couple guys to remake all our cushion covers, shades and make an awning for the trampoline. We are waiting to here back from another marina to see if they can haul is out so the mechanic here can work on our sail drive. Doesn't look good tho. Wind witch made it in last night so we have been showing them around all day helping them get set up. Confirmed our surf lessons for tomorrow and going to try out some different boards that they have. We will most likely buy one from them so hope we catch on quick!! Tyrone just replaced the switch for the wind generator and it looks like it's working much better now and giving us more power. The wind has kicked up so it's been pretty loud for the past couple days. Plus this big 60ft cat came in yesterday and the wind that whistles thru their rigging sounds like a tea kettle...kettle that never shuts off...:-/ Ty just informed me that our door mat has flown the coop...:-( 

Friday, November 15, 2013

Pics from a better camera

Ok so Charntell and Greg had a much better camera so we were sure to steal all their pics before they left. We had such a great time and now its back to work...So much fun tho!!!

Sunday, November 10, 2013

More Fiji

So far so good here with Greg and Chantel onboard! Having a blast. We hoisted the main sail for the very first time in two years Appearently. We also caught a nice size king fish and cooked him up for lunch on the way to the musket cove yacht club. We had a braii last night and many bottles of wine;) great time so far and we are now anchored off of a reef where they are diving at the moment. Going back to the yacht club tonight for another mooring since we had such a good time there lat night. Wish they could stay longer cuz this is way better than working working working all the time!!